
A funky Beruche, by Beruche

Teeny Beruche Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Teeny Beruche
See This Site!

Summary: This is such a great source of Haruka and Michiru pictures! Anyone who's a fan of them should definitely see this site.

Name: Er... no idea what this name means...

Layout: I don't really like the layout. It's unattractive, and there's too many things on the mainpage.

Variety: Limited to pictures; but as far as pictures go, good variety.

The pages:

Manga Uranus and Neptune: A ton of pictures of these Senshi from the manga. These are mostly black and white, with some color as well. The pictures are of surprisingly high quality and are often nicely resized without being too big. I haven't seen most of these.

Manga Haruka and Michiru: Again, a ton of pictures from the manga, mostly black and white. But I haven't seen most of them before. :)

Anime Haruka and Michiru: Though I've seen most of these images, a lot were of higher quality. I really enjoyed these.

Anime Uranus and Neptune: Same as above.

Other: To me, this is the highlight of the site. This has pictures from fans, doujinshi, toys, art based on the anime [like trading cards and calenders], and video games, as well as original compositions. I saw a great many images here I'd never seen before.

Backgrounds: A huge collection of backgrounds you are free to use on your own site. Nicely done.

Buttons: Nice, small buttons that have been left blank for you to add your own text to. Cute images!

Blank Banners: Again, left blank for you to add your own text, also nice.

E-mail buttons: Need I say more?

Quotes: Quotes from the anime and manga, including some songs, prologues, and poems. Conveniently put into different colors so you can differeniate between speakers. Has quotes in Japanese plus translated into English and French. Wow!

Fanfic challenge: A challenge to finish the fanfiction started here. Great idea!

The amount of effort put into collecting everything here is obvious. The use of thumbnails and separate pages cut down on loading time, very nice. I just wish the layout was prettier; such a cool site needs to look its best :)

Cute widdle SD Beruche, drawn by Beruche

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