
A funky Beruche, by Beruche
  Most of this is quite boring and useless information :D

Name: I use the alias Beruche. Other than that, I'm not saying!
Age: That would be the amount of years I've lived... ^.^ ;;;
Residence: Earth, silly :P
Well, that would be giving away my age...
[do I want to keep myself a secret or what?]
Height and weight:
5' (I'm short, ok?!), around 97 lbs
Drawing, writing, going online, talking to friends, reading novels and comic books
Club involvement:
"Art Community", drama, formerly Junior Beta, once a Girl Scout *shudder!*
Grade Point Average:
So far, 4.0 of a possible 4.0
Best academic subject:
English... but not this year
Worst academic subject:
Favorite subject:
B-flat clarinet, bass clarinet, percussion (not so great at snare, but awesome at keyboarding and tom-toms), piano (quite poorly!), and a cheesy plastic recorder
Highest chair position ever:
1st, briefly. And I tied for 2nd before. This only includes the clarinets
Favorite colors:
Indigo (that's dark blue), purple, silver
Room decor:
Daybed with dark blue comforter, pillows, etc., desk with computer, shelves, dresser, all sorts of SM posters and wallhangings, bulletain board with tradings cards
Favorite songs to play in band:
Starship 1, Smoke on the Water, Time Warp, Impression That I Get
Favorite anime:
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon
Favorite manga:
Ranma 1/2 [can't read my SM cuz it's Japanese], Battle Angel Alita
Favorite American comics:
Kabuki, Gen13
Favorite book series:
The Death Gate Cycle, Dragonlance, both by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman; and the The Belgariad and The Mallorean by David Eddings
Favorite solo artists:
Vanessa-Mae, Tori Amos, Bjork
Favorite bands:
A lot; to name some, Garbage, Hole, Smashing Pumpkins, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zepplin, Orgy, Savage Garden
Favorite TV shows:
Babylon 5, Star Trek: DS9, Veronica's Closet, Friends, ER
Favorite movies:
Star Wars (entire trilogy), Monty Python and the Holy Grail, William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Rush Hour, Armageddon, Anastasia (old one with Ingrid Bergman), Good Will Hunting
Favorite animals:
Cats, cows, and chickens
Afraid of:
Spiders (YUCK!), stinging stuff like wasps and bees, some heights (when you're high up with no railing or anything along the edge, scary!), large snakes
Favorite foods:
Tex-Mex stuff, some Chinese (especially steamed dumplings), chocolate, cheesecake, crackers, plain sandwiches [hold the mustard, ketchup, tomato, etc.]
Least favorite foods:
Most meats, all but a few vegetables, reheated macaroni and cheese, onions [except onion rings, I dunno why I like them]
Favorite cars:
Dodge Viper GTS, blue with white racing stripe; both the new and old VW Beetle, Porsche 911 Cabriolet (my dad's dark blue one, and that's pronounced Por-sha!)
Favorite cosmetic brand:
Favorite way to wear nailpolish:
Silver with dark blue tips
Favorite class to pass notes in:
Position in drama:
Prompter, of all things!
Favorite drinks:
Milk, Sprite, Pepsi, Pina Colada (virgin)
Places I love:
Savannah, San Luis Obispo, the city I live in (not gonna name it), Daytona Beach, Yosemite National Park, San Francisco during the day
Places I hate:
San Antonio, most of Dallas, San Francisco at night

If I'm ever really bored, I'll add more

Cute widdle SD Beruche, drawn by Beruche

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