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Beruche! the name game : cliché fever! what should i call my site?
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Trying to think of a page name is quite frustrating. Seeing a site with a lame name can make you not want to see it. How can you pick a good name?

The name is going to say something about your site. You want it to say something good, but not sound egotistical. You want it to intrigue people and make them want to visit. You want it to be something no one else has.

Adjectives like "good," "great," "amazing," "cool," "best," etc. should be used with care. You might come off as full of it, and people will think you're just looking for glory and fame via the 'net. Try something like "nifty," "spunky," "spiffy," "fantabulous," etc. Don't flat out say your page is good or cool. Say something unique. Try to pick an adjective that really describes your page's design and content. Use a thesaurus, if you must, to come up with an unusual adjective. If you do use an adjective, you need to figure out whether to put your name/alias on it or not. A full name will sound a bit funny; "Jennifer Smith's Wacky Sailormoon Land" ??... If you have an interesting nickname, it could sound better. "Psychoduck's Wacky Sailormoon Land." If you have an interesting adjective and leave off your identity, it is a bit more interesting, IMHO. "The Wacky Sailormoon Land." Wouldn't you wonder what it is and go see it to find out?

What's really interesting is when your site name is an adjective or a noun. When I come across a link for a site, let's say "Destiny", I wonder what it is about. I click and see just what this is. "Happy," hmm, what's that about? It's also kinda neat if you put it in all lowercase, or put spaces between it, or combining the two: "destiny," "H a p p y," or "d e s t i n y."

It's really neat for shrine pages to take a word or phrase relating to that character, perhaps an attack name or maybe a name translation. Then using some of the above methods, you can turn your name into something really cool.

This is pretty obvious, I hope, but don't use negativity in your title unless you really want that to get across. "A Lame Sailormoon Site" isn't going to interest people. Maybe "DiC is for Dorks" might be a bit more likely to generate attention. "i ' m . a n . i d i o t"... you're asking for trouble.

Let's take a look at all the names we've had, and what was good and bad about them.

"The Absolute Most Stupid and Annoying Sailor Moon Pages Around"- Well, that was because of the fact that the page was heavily parodied... But I think that a lot of people took it the wrong way -.- ;; It did have an unusual acronym though, TAMSASMPA ("Tam-sas-mipah") right? You had to wonder what in the world that crazy page was... But still, it was probably a turnoff to a lot of people. Petz came up with this one.

"The Realm Of The Ayakashi Sisters"- Well, it was our page, our "realm" if you will. It wasn't negative, that's good. But... boring, huh? My fault; I came up with it ^.^ ;; Ooops.

And now, "z e t t a i . ni. a y a k a s h i". It takes a bit of work to type out... I think it's much more clever than the others. We don't translate "zettai" because we want to leave people guessing ^_- The title is accurate. I think it's the best of the three :) More people are going to be interested in something with this name, I think.

The lesson to be learned: Be careful when picking a name. Make sure no one else has used it. Make sure the right message gets across. And make sure you put a lot of thought into it. Don't be afraid to change your name, if you must... but make sure it's an improvement. Happy naming!