
A funky Beruche, by Beruche

Makoto's Preferences

In episode 96, a strange thing happens. Makoto is walking along with Usagi, talking, and they go to cross the street... out of nowhere, Haruka is zooming by on her motorcycle, and almost hits them. As she swerves to avoid the two, Makoto protects Usagi, injuring her hand. Haruka goes to apologize and make sure they're alright. She ties a scarf around Makoto's hand as a bandage, and Makoto blushes and seems a bit out of it. Later, she asks her friends if they know Haruka's address, saying she needs to return the scarf. A daimon ends up possessing the scarf and attacking her. Kaolinite came and made the daimon leave with her. Haruka and Michiru see this, and decide they need to keep an eye on Makoto. The next day, Makoto looked in the parking lot where she was attacked for the scarf. Usagi reminds Makoto that Haruka is a girl, and Makoto insists that "it isn't like that." Haruka showed up with Michiru in her car, and offers a ride to Makoto. Makoto accepts immediately, and Usagi keeps trying to "warn her". In the car, Haruka says she wants to become better friends with Makoto. At Rei's, the girls discuss how "Makoto went on a date," "maybe her tastes have changed," and how it's Haruka, so it's a bit different... Ami interrupts, saying they need to look out for Makoto since she's going to be attacked for her pure heart. The girls called her on the communicator to warn her, then tried to tell her that "don't give up! There's still plenty of cute guys!" Makoto just smiled and reminded them that "it isn't like that." The daimon attacked her, and she told Haruka and Michiru to escape. They returned as Uranus and Neptune, and when Makoto saw them, she was mad even though her heart crystal was taken out, thinking they were horrible for not rescuing Haruka. Uranus returned her heart crystal, and Makoto insisted to the others on transforming. Jupiter defeated the daimon and challenged Uranus, and Uranus punched her in the stomach, winning with no effort. Uranus and Neptune leave, and Neptune notices Uranus was actually injured; her hand is bleeding. Makoto found Haruka and Michiru, who were pretending like Haruka had been attacked. Makoto saw Haruka was injured, and helped her, using the scarf. She later is seen modeling outfits, saying she wants "to be a wonderful woman like Haruka someday."

Makoto admires Haruka. She was impressed by her in this episode, and decided she wanted to be like her. She says so at the end. The others misinterpret her admiration as a crush, and she tells them they are wrong.

Some people think our boy-crazy Makoto is either bi- or homosexual because of this episode.

I, however, do not.

Makoto is obviously boy-crazy. She goes nuts around boys, loves talking about boys, and still hangs onto the memory of that "sempai" of hers. She has never shown any attraction for another girl. She didn't even show attraction towards Haruka. She admires her. She isn't bi, she isn't lesbian.

So, why would people think she is interested in Haruka?

Well, she does seem flustered around her. She seems obsessed with returning that silly scarf. I guess the fact that she showed any feeling whatsoever towards a character that's lesbian makes people assume Makoto is, too. Or perhaps they're just horny, straight males that leap at the idea of lesbians...

*ahem* You know who you are.

People also try to bring up a scene in the first season, where she's crowded in an alley with Mercury, and Mercury falls forward, and Jupiter seems quite embarrassed that Mercury's backside is facing her. It's just embarassment, people! I think everyone with any decency would be embarrassed if a girl in a short skirt fell forward like that.

So, to everyone who thinks Makoto is a lesbian or that she's bisexual, please, get over it. If you're so fascinated with the idea of homosexuality in BSSM, stick to Haruka and Michiru, Zoisite and Kunzite, and Fisheye [poor Fisheye, no boyfriend ;_; ], the characters who really are. Lay off Makoto!

Cute widdle SD Beruche, drawn by Beruche

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